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Published on 00/00/0000
Last updated on 00/00/0000
7 min read
Banzai Cloud’s Pipeline platform is an operating system
which allows enterprises to develop, deploy and scale container-based applications. It leverages best-of-breed cloud components, such as Kubernetes, to create a highly productive, yet flexible environment for developers and operations teams alike. Strong security - multiple authentication backends, fine grained authorization, dynamic secret management, automated secure communications between components using TLS, vulnerability scans, static code analysis, etc. - is a tier zero feature of the Pipeline platform, which we strive to automate and enable to all enterprises.
In this post we'd like to go into detail about how container image vulnerability scans work - with a focus on catching vulnerabilities at the point in time at which deployments are submitted into the cluster.
A few months back our vulnerability scans were based on Clair, but we ended up switching to Anchore Engine, due to the multi-tenant nature of our platform and a host of new requirements from our users.
The Anchore Engine is an open source project that provides a centralized service for the inspection, analysis, and certification of container images. A PostgreSQL database is required to provide persistent storage for the engine. And the Anchore engine can be accessed directly through a RESTful API or via the Anchore CLI.
If you want to try it out for yourself, we open sourced the Helm chart that we built and are using on our Pipeline platform. It supports PostgreSQL and Google's CloudSQL as database backends. Needless to say, the whole process is automated thanks to Pipeline.
The Anchore Image Validator works as an admission server. After it is registered to the Kubernetes cluster as a Validating Webhook
, it will validate any Pod deployed to the cluster. The server inspects the images that are defined in PodSpec against the configured Anchore Engine endpoint. Based on that response, the admission hook can decide whether to accept or reject that deployment.
If you want to learn more about
Validating Admission Webhooks
, you can find a detailed description in one of our previous blog posts, here: in-depth introduction to admission webhooks
Anchore Image Validator was inspired by Vic Iglesias' kubernetes-anchore-image-validator which leverages the Generic Admission Server for most of the heavy lifting of implementing the admission webhook API. We redesigned and extended it with
and scanlog
features. For flexibility, it uses Custom Resource Definitions to store and evaluate those extensions.
The Helm deployment of Anchore Policy Validator contains all the necessary resources including CRDs.
$ kubectl get
$ kubectl get NAME AGE v1. 16d v1.apps
16d 16d 16d
v1.autoscaling 16d v1.batch 16d 16d 16d 16d 1d 1d 16d 16d v1beta1.apps 16d 16d 16d v1beta1.batch 16d 16d v1beta1.extensions 16d 16d v1beta1.policy 16d 16d
16d v1beta2.apps 16d v2beta1.autoscaling 16d
After deploying these CRDs, you can access them via the Kubernetes API server:
$ curl
{ "kind": "APIResourceList", "apiVersion": "v1",
"groupVersion": "",
"resources": [ { "name": "whitelistitems", "singularName":
"whitelistitem", "namespaced": false, "kind":
"WhiteListItem", "verbs": [ ... ], "shortNames": [ "wl" ] },
{ "name": "audits", "singularName": "audit", "namespaced":
false, "kind": "Audit", "verbs": [ ... ] } ] }
And these resources are accessible with the kubectl
$ kubectl get crd NAME AGE 21h 21h
$ kubectl get whitelistitems -o wide,CREATOR:.spec.creator,REASON:.spec.reason
NAME CREATOR REASON test-whiltelist pbalogh-sa just-testing
$ kubectl get audits -o wide,RELEASE:.spec.releaseName,IMAGES:.spec.image,RESULT:.spec.result
NAME RELEASE IMAGES RESULT replicaset-test-b468ccf8b
test-b468ccf8b-2s6tj [nginx] [reject]
While there exists a way of whitelisting in the Anchore Engine itself, such whitelists are only applicable to attributes like:
libraries, files or other filesystem based matches.Our approach to filtering is based on
Helm Deployments
. However, covering whitelists at the deployment level with CVE or image names is simply not feasible. To manage whitelisted deployments we use a custom resource definition, so the admission hook will accept deployments that match any whitelist element no matter what the scan result is.
Note: All resources included in a Helm Deployment must have the
The CRD structure should include the following data:
Name of the whitelisted releasecreator
The Pipeline user who created the rulereason
Reason for whitelistingExample whitelist:
$ kubectl get whitelist
test-whitelist -o yaml
apiVersion: kind:
WhiteListItem metadata: clusterName: "" creationTimestamp:
2018-09-25T06:44:49Z name: test-whitelist namespace: ""
resourceVersion: "1981225" selfLink:
/apis/ uid:
7f9a094d-c08e-11e8-b34e-42010a8e010f spec: creator:
pbalogh-sa reason: just-testing
This approach will allow the investigation of problems while not disturbing production services.
Finding the result of an admission hook decision can be troublesome, so we introduced the Audit
custom resource. With this custom resource it's easy to track the result of each scan. Instead of searching in events, you can also easily filter these resources with kubectl
. The CRD structure includes the following data:
Scanned release
Scanned resource (Pod)
Scanned images (in Pod)
Scan results (per image)
Admission action (allow, reject)
During image scans, Admission server logs result to
and set their ownerReferences
to the scanned Pod's parent. This provides us with a compact overview of the resources running on the cluster. Because these events are bound to Kubernetes resources, it allows for the cluster to clean them up when the original resource (pod) is no longer present. Example audit log:
$ kubectl get
audits replicaset-test-b468ccf8b -o yaml
apiVersion: kind: Audit
metadata: clusterName: "" creationTimestamp:
2018-09-24T09:06:31Z labels: fakerelease: "true" name:
replicaset-test-b468ccf8b namespace: "" ownerReferences:
- apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 blockOwnerDeletion: true
controller: true kind: ReplicaSet name: test-b468ccf8b
uid: 1c20ed8d-bfd9-11e8-b34e-42010a8e010f resourceVersion:
"1857033" selfLink:
uid: 20e75829-bfd9-11e8-b34e-42010a8e010f spec: action:
allowed image:
- postgres releaseName: test-b468ccf8b-2s6tj resource: Pod
- 'Image passed policy check: postgres' status: state: ""
These building blocks are great. However, ordinarily there would be many steps left to perform manually. We have tightly integrated these tasks into Pipeline, to help manage your cluster security. We automated the following:
Policy bundles
. The user can choose one from a number of predefined policy bundles or create a custom one.Validating Admission Webhook
using credentials and Anchore Engine service URLTo simplify bootstrapping, we have predefined basic policy bundles for Anchore
Allow all
This policy is the most permissive. One can deploy anything, but it recieves feedback about all the deployed imagesReject Critical
This policy will prevent deploying containers with critical CVEReject High
This policy will prevent deploying containers with high severity CVEBlock root
This policy will prevent deploying containers with apps running root privilegesDeny all
This is the most restrictive policy. Only explicitly whitelisted releases are acceptedThe implementation of this image validation solution represents a huge step towards enabling a secure and safe Kubernetes infrastructure. This post describes how we block deployments that fail the configured security policies. The Pipeline platform follows the vulnerability lifecycle
of a deployment and provides regular scans and notifications to alert the operators when a new security issue is found. Stay tuned; we'll write more about this feature of the Pipeline platform soon.
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