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Published on 08/17/2022
Last updated on 06/18/2024

Cisco Quantum Research Award Recipients


Cisco Quantum Lab has started with the mission to develop the underlying technologies for quantum networks and photonic information processing. Quantum technologies are currently at their early stage of development and the progress relies on basic science research in academic labs. As part of our development program, we support academic projects by providing research grants. Broadly, we fund projects in all quantum technology stack layers, hardware, software, and applications. A detailed list can be found on our call for proposals.

We are excited to announce the recipients of the quantum research award in the past year, 11 faculty members from the universities in the US, the UK, and the EU. Partnerships between industry and academic labs are vital to successful commercialization of quantum technologies.


Principle InvestigatorSchoolProject Title

Marcos Curty

Universidade de Vigo

Secure Quantum
Communication with Correlated
Light Sources

Yufei DingUniversity of California, Santa Barbara

Programming System for
Distributing Quantum Circuits in
a Quantum Data Network

Himanshu GuptaStony Brook University

Efficient Entanglement
Distribution in Quantum

Chris HeunenUniversity of Edinburgh

Distributing big quantum
computations over small
quantum computers

Elham Kashefi

University of Edinburgh

Practical Quantum
Cryptography from Hardware

Isaac KimUniversity of California, Davis

Scalable fault-tolerant
quantum computing architecture with few
photon sources

Peter Lodahl

University of Copenhagen

LTQconn - Loss-Tolerant
Photonic Quantum

Hideo MabuchiStanford University

Quantum synthesis via many-

body physics in broadband
nonlinear nanophotonics

Omar Magana-LoaizaLouisiana State University

Adaptive high-dimensional
quantum cryptography in optical
fiber networks

Galan MoodyUniversity of California, Santa Barbara

Programmable AlGaAs-on-

Insulator Photonic Chip for
Graph State Quantum

Mohsen Razavi

University of Leeds

Quantum Wide Area Networks
via Multi-Antenna Satellite

To learn more about our grant program and the areas of our interest, please visit our open call.

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