Published on 00/00/0000
Last updated on 00/00/0000
Published on 00/00/0000
Last updated on 00/00/0000
10 min read
Cloud cost management series: > Overspending in the cloud > Managing spot instance clusters on Kubernetes with Hollowtrees > Monitor AWS spot instance terminations > Diversifying AWS auto-scaling groups > Draining Kubernetes nodes
flag that passes the application at start and disables authentication.
Apart from these "organizational" changes, we refined the manner in which cluster recommendations may be requested; the recommendation request has been extended to support blacklist and whitelist for virtual machines. It is possible to request clusters that don't contain virtual machines in the blacklist, and clusters that only contain virtual machines in the whitelist.
We made an effort to take into account network performance when recommending clusters; it is now possible to specify the desired network performance category in recommendation requests. For the time being, we've settled on four categories (low
, medium
, high
and extra
), but we'll refine these further based on information/usage patterns as they emerge.
We've extended recommendation requests to control whether burstable instances
are allowed in recommended clusters.
One major improvement we've added is that recommendation accuracy information is embedded in every recommendation response. Requested resources can be compared to the recommended cluster so that the user has a sense of the recommendation's correctness. Recommendation accuracy also contains pricing information, so users are provided with early cost information.
Check the swagger
description of the Telescopes API for the exact details, here
curl -sLX POST \
-d '{ "sumCpu": 8, "sumMem": 10, "minNodes": 1, "maxNodes":
4, "onDemandPct": 50, "networkPerf": "medium" }'
Request cluster recommandation on gce:
curl -X POST \
-d '{ "sumCpu": 8, "sumMem": 10, "minNodes": 1, "maxNodes":
4, "onDemandPct": 50, "networkPerf":"medium" }'
Let's check and compare responses:
Recommendation response for ec2
{ "provider": "ec2", "nodePools": [ {
"vm": { "type": "t2.xlarge", "avgPrice": 0.0605,
"onDemandPrice": 0.2016, "cpusPerVm": 4, "memPerVm": 16,
"gpusPerVm": 0, "burst": true, "networkPerf": "Moderate",
"networkPerfCategory": "medium" }, "sumNodes": 1, "vmClass":
"regular" }, { "vm": { "type": "m1.xlarge", "avgPrice":
0.0379, "onDemandPrice": 0.379, "cpusPerVm": 4, "memPerVm":
15, "gpusPerVm": 0, "burst": false, "networkPerf": "High",
"networkPerfCategory": "medium" }, "sumNodes": 1, "vmClass":
"spot" }, // the "empty" nodepools are truncated!!! ..... ],
"accuracy": { "memory": 31, "cpu": 8, "nodes": 2,
"regularPrice": 0.2016, "regularNodes": 1, "spotPrice":
0.0379, "spotNodes": 1, "totalPrice": 0.2395 } }
Recommendation response for gce
{ "provider": "gce", "nodePools": [ {
"vm": { "type": "n1-standard-2", "avgPrice":
0.022000000000000002, "onDemandPrice": 0.10460000000000001,
"cpusPerVm": 2, "memPerVm": 7.5, "gpusPerVm": 0, "burst":
false, "networkPerf": "4", "networkPerfCategory": "medium"
}, "sumNodes": 2, "vmClass": "regular" }, { "vm": { "type":
"n1-standard-2", "avgPrice": 0.022000000000000002,
"onDemandPrice": 0.10460000000000001, "cpusPerVm": 2,
"memPerVm": 7.5, "gpusPerVm": 0, "burst": false,
"networkPerf": "4", "networkPerfCategory": "medium" },
"sumNodes": 2, "vmClass": "spot" }, // the "empty" nodepools
are truncated!!! ..... ], "accuracy": { "memory": 30, "cpu":
8, "nodes": 4, "regularPrice": 0.20920000000000002,
"regularNodes": 2, "spotPrice": 0.044000000000000004,
"spotNodes": 2, "totalPrice": 0.25320000000000004 } }
As you can see, the same resources are spread across different cluster layouts on the two providers, but both recommendations meet our requirements. Recommendations can be further refined in order to help operators decide on a provider (and cluster layouts). Keep reading to learn how Telescopes can be started locally and how to start telescoping cluster layouts.
Note: it's assumed that you have a properly set up Go environmentFirst we need to start the Banzai Cloud Cloudinfo application. For this execute the commands listed below:
# check out the source code from GitHub
go get -d
# cd to the checked out project's root folder
cd $GOPATH/src/
# build the application with make - alternatively, find the command in the makefile and execute it
make build
# set the AWS credentials - you can skip these if you have the aws configuration set up at ~/.aws/credentials
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<your aws access key>
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<your aws secret access key>
./cloudinfo --provider=ec2
The Cloudinfo application should start and listen for requests on port 9090 on localhost.
The status of Cloudinfo services can be checked with the following curl command (you'll get the response status code 200, and the body "ok"):
curl -X GET
Now let's start the application and point it to our started Cloudinfo service:
# check out the source code from GitHub
go get -d
# cd to the checked out project's root folder
cd $GOPATH/src/
# build the application with make, alternatively find the command in the makefile and execute it
make build
# you can omit the --cloudinfo-address, since Telescopes will connect to the default cloudinfo address (this is only to show the connection point to Cloudinfo)
./telescopes --dev-mode --cloudinfo-address=localhost:9090
Warning: authentication is disabled in dev-mode, it's not advisable to run Telescopes in production this wayThe Telescopes application is up and it's listening for requests on port 9095 on localhost. The status of Telescopes can be checked with the following curl command (you'll get the response status code 200, and the body "ok"):
curl -X GET
Finally we can issue recommendation requests.
Let's start with a simple request:
These examples are requesting cluster recommendations on Amazon in theeu-west-1region. These are reflected in the request path. Feel free to experiment with other providers and regions.
curl -sLX POST
-d '{"sumCpu": 8, "sumMem": 10, "minNodes": 1, "maxNodes": 4,
"onDemandPct": 50}' | jq .
The requested cluster should have 8 CPUs, at least 10G memory, 1 to 4 nodes from which 50% should be "on demand" instances.
At the time of writing this article, the response for the above request is:
{ "provider": "ec2", "nodePools": [ {
"vm": { "type": "t2.medium", "avgPrice": 0.015,
"onDemandPrice": 0.05, "cpusPerVm": 2, "memPerVm": 4,
"gpusPerVm": 0, "burst": true, "networkPerf": "Low to
Moderate", "networkPerfCategory": "low" }, "sumNodes": 2,
"vmClass": "regular" }, { "vm": { "type": "t2.medium",
"avgPrice": 0.015, "onDemandPrice": 0.05, "cpusPerVm": 2,
"memPerVm": 4, "gpusPerVm": 0, "burst": true, "networkPerf":
"Low to Moderate", "networkPerfCategory": "low" },
"sumNodes": 2, "vmClass": "spot" }, { "vm": { "type":
"m1.xlarge", "avgPrice": 0.0379, "onDemandPrice": 0.379,
"cpusPerVm": 4, "memPerVm": 15, "gpusPerVm": 0, "burst":
false, "networkPerf": "High", "networkPerfCategory":
"medium" }, "sumNodes": 0, "vmClass": "spot" }, { "vm": {
"type": "m1.large", "avgPrice": 0.019, "onDemandPrice":
0.19, "cpusPerVm": 2, "memPerVm": 7.5, "gpusPerVm": 0,
"burst": false, "networkPerf": "Moderate",
"networkPerfCategory": "medium" }, "sumNodes": 0, "vmClass":
"spot" } ], "accuracy": { "memory": 16, "cpu": 8, "nodes":
4, "regularPrice": 0.1, "regularNodes": 2, "spotPrice":
0.03, "spotNodes": 2, "totalPrice": 0.13 } }
As you can see there are multiple instance types in the response, and recommendation accuracy is pretty good. There are 4 nodes recommended from which 2 are "regular" (on demand instances) and 2 are spot instances. The memory is a bit above the requested limit.
Let's imagine we don't want burstable instances in our cluster; let's repeat the recommendation with the following details:
curl -sLX POST
-d '{"sumCpu": 8, "sumMem": 10, "minNodes": 1, "maxNodes": 4,
"onDemandPct": 50, "allowBurst":false}' | jq .
The request is modified so that it disallows burstable instances with the allowBurst attribute set to false
The result will look like this:
{ "provider": "ec2", "nodePools": [ {
"vm": { "type": "c5.large", "avgPrice": 0.04033333333333333,
"onDemandPrice": 0.096, "cpusPerVm": 2, "memPerVm": 4,
"gpusPerVm": 0, "burst": false, "networkPerf": "Up to 10
Gigabit", "networkPerfCategory": "high" }, "sumNodes": 2,
"vmClass": "regular" }, { "vm": { "type": "m1.xlarge",
"avgPrice": 0.0379, "onDemandPrice": 0.379, "cpusPerVm": 4,
"memPerVm": 15, "gpusPerVm": 0, "burst": false,
"networkPerf": "High", "networkPerfCategory": "medium" },
"sumNodes": 1, "vmClass": "spot" }, { "vm": { "type":
"m1.large", "avgPrice": 0.019, "onDemandPrice": 0.19,
"cpusPerVm": 2, "memPerVm": 7.5, "gpusPerVm": 0, "burst":
false, "networkPerf": "Moderate", "networkPerfCategory":
"medium" }, "sumNodes": 0, "vmClass": "spot" }, { "vm": {
"type": "m2.2xlarge", "avgPrice": 0.055, "onDemandPrice":
0.55, "cpusPerVm": 4, "memPerVm": 34.2, "gpusPerVm": 0,
"burst": false, "networkPerf": "Moderate",
"networkPerfCategory": "medium" }, "sumNodes": 0, "vmClass":
"spot" } ], "accuracy": { "memory": 23, "cpu": 8, "nodes":
3, "regularPrice": 0.192, "regularNodes": 2, "spotPrice":
0.0379, "spotNodes": 1, "totalPrice": 0.2299 } }
The accuracy of this request is again reflected in the recommendation details: there are 3 nodes recommended now (2 regular, 1 on demand), 8CPUs and, again, the memory is a bit more than what was requested.
Based on our recommendation results, we can further refine the request so that the recommended cluster more closely aligns with our requirements, eg.: blacklist or whitelist instance types, set network performance requirements, modify the node count, modify the on-demand percentage, etc.
Here is an example request, which demonstrates how these various attributes should be filled in the request json:
{ "sumCpu": 8, "sumMem": 10,
"minNodes": 1, "maxNodes": 4, "onDemandPct": 50,
"allowBurst": false, "excludes":["c5.large"], // these
instance types will be excluded from the recommendation
"includes":["c5.xlarge"], // the recommendation will be
limited to the instanxe types listed here
"networkPerf":"high" // the recommendation will be limited
to this network performance }
Happy Telescoping!
If you'd like to learn more about Banzai Cloud, check out our other posts on this blog, the Pipeline, Hollowtrees and Bank-Vaults projects.Get emerging insights on innovative technology straight to your inbox.
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