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Published on 08/04/2020
Last updated on 06/18/2024

Kafka Schema Registry on Kubernetes the declarative


Leveraging a Cloud Native technology stack, Banzai Cloud Supertubes is the ultimate deployment tool for setting up and operating production-ready Kafka clusters on Kubernetes. While Supertubes installs and manages all the infrastructure components of a production-ready Kafka cluster on Kubernetes (like Zookeeper, Koperator, Envoy, etc) it also includes several convenience components, like Schema Registry, multiple disaster recovery options, Cruise Control and lots more. The list of Supertubes features is very long and covers everything you need to self host and run a production-ready Kafka cluster on Kubernetes. Today, we'll be exploring one of these features, Schema Registry, through a real world example.


The latest version of Supertubes automates Schema Registry installation by introducing a new custom resource called:
  • SchemaRegistry
It also provides a declarative approach to defining schemas using custom annotated configmaps:
This way we overcome difficulties inherent to handling schemas in a Kubernetes environment.

Schema Registry

​For those not yet familiar with Schema Registry, it is a centralized repository for schemas and metadata which enables Kafka producer/consumer applications to write/consume data records of different shapes to/from Kafka topics. ​

Manage Schema Registry instances with Supertubes

Imperative CLI

​The Supertubes CLI provides commands to deploy Schema Registry instances with either default or custom settings with ease. ​ This easiest way to start it is by using the ​
supertubes install -a
​command, which sets up everything needed to start playing with Kafka and Schema Registry on Kubernetes. ​ Additional Schema Registry instances can be deployed, and existing ones managed, with the
supertubes cluster schema-registry
command. The create and update commands expect a Schema Registry descriptor. For the details of this descriptor check the SchemaRegistry custom resource definition described in the section below.

Managing schemas declaratively

​Managing Schema Registry instances with Supertubes is as simple as creating and updating the SchemaRegistry custom resource. The Schema Registry deployment and configuration settings specified by users with the SchemaRegistry custom resource are automatically monitored by Supertubes.
Besides installing, managing, scaling, etc the Kafka cluster, Supertubes also includes monitoring capabilities, has a rich set of dashboards and metrics, even down to the level of protocols.
These will perform the necessary steps to spin up new Schema Registry instances or reconfigure existing ones with the desired configuration. ​
kind: SchemaRegistry
  name: my-schema-registry
  namespace: kafka
    # Name of the KafkaCluster custom resource that represents the Kafka cluster this Schema Registry instance will connect to
    name: kafka
  # The port Schema registry listens on for API requests (default: 8081)
  servicePort: 8081

  # Labels to be applied to the schema registry pod

  # Annotations to be applied to the schema registry pod

  # Annotations to be applied to the service that exposes the Schema registry API on port `ServicePort`

  # Labels to be applied to the service that exposes the Schema Registry API on port `ServicePort`

  # Service account for schema registry pod

  # Description of compute resource requirements
  # requests:
  #   cpu: 200m
  #   mem: 800mi
  # limits:
  #   cpu: 1
  #   mem: 1.2Gi
  # Minimum number of replicas (default: 1)
  minReplicas: 1
  # Maximum number of replicas (default: 5) Horizontal Pod Autoscaler can upscale to
  maxReplicas: 5
  # Controls whether mTLS is enforced between Schema Registry and client applications
  # as well as Schema registry instances
  # (default: true)
  MTLS: true
  # Heap settings for Schema Registry (default: -Xms512M -Xmx1024M)
  heapOpts: -Xms512M -Xmx1024M
  # Defines the config values for schema registry in the form of key-value pairs
​There are several SchemaRegistry configurations that are computed and maintained by Supertubes, and thus cannot be overridden by end users: ​
  • listeners
  • kafkastore.bootstrap.servers
  • master.eligibility - always true
  • kafkastore.topic 

Schema Registry API endpoints

​The deployed Schema Registry instances are reachable at the schema-registry-svc-<schema-registry-name>.<namespace>.svc:<servicePort> endpoint from within the Kubernetes cluster. ​ Client applications connecting from outside the Kubernetes cluster can reach Schema Registry instances at the public IP address of the schema-registry-meshgateway-<schema-registry-name> LoadBalancer-type service. This public endpoint is made available when the Kafka cluster that the Schema Registry is bound to becomes exposed externally.
Supertubes uses and heavily relies on Envoy, which provides a variety of methods for securely exposing Kafka clusters with Kubernetes-native ACL mechanisms. ​


​ All participants that connect to Schema Registry are authenticated using mTLS by default. This can be disabled via the MTLS field of the SchemaRegistry custom resource. ​

Schema Registry Kafka ACLs

​ When ACLs are enabled in the Kafka cluster that the particular Schema Registry is bound to, Supertubes automatically creates Schema Registry's required Kafka ACLs.​

Managing schemas declaratively

By default, client applications automatically register new schemas. When they produce new messages to the topic, they will automatically try to register new schemas. This behavior comes in handy during development, but should be avoided during production. ​ Aside from registering schemas through Schema Registry's API endpoint, Supertubes also makes it possible to register schemas declaratively, through Kubernetes ConfigMaps that hold schema definitions. Supertubes looks for ConfigMaps with specific labels to read schema definitions from, and registers them into the Schema Registry running in that namespace. This is very much in line with the GitOps and Configuration as Code trends of today. ​
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: my-topic-value-schema
  labels: my-schema-registry my-topic-value
  schema.json: |-
       "namespace": "io.examples",
       "type": "record",
       "name": "Payment",
       "fields": [
            "name": "id",
            "type": "string"
           "name": "amount",
           "type": "double"
Notice the two labels on ConfigMap: ​
  • - denotes the name of the SchemaRegistry custom resource that represents the Schema Registry deployment for the schema to be registered in
  • - is the name of the subject which the schema should be registered under ​
The schema specification should be under the schema.json key in the ConfigMap. Any updates made to the schema specifications in ConfigMap result in new versions of the underlying schema in Schema Registry. ​ When the ConfigMap is deleted, all versions relating to the corresponding schema are deleted from their Schema Registry.

Showtime - How to utilize Schema Registry from a Spring Boot application


  1. Create a Kubernetes cluster.
    You can create a Kubernetes cluster with the Banzai Cloud Pipeline platform on-prem, or over any one of five different cloud providers.
  2. Point KUBECONFIG to your cluster.
  3. Install Supertubes. Register for an evaluation version and run the following command to install the CLI tool:
    As you might know, Cisco has recently acquired Banzai Cloud. Currently we are in a transitional period and are moving our infrastructure. Contact us so we can discuss your needs and requirements, and organize a live demo.
    Evaluation downloads are temporarily suspended. Contact us to discuss your needs and requirements, and organize a live demo. This step usually takes a few minutes, and installs a 2 broker Kafka cluster and all its components.

Enable ACL and external access

The demo cluster doesn’t have ACLs and external access points enabled, so we'll have to enable them by running:
If you are interested in how Supertubes allows you to handle Kafka ACLs the declarative way, please read our blogpost on the > subject.
supertubes cluster update --namespace kafka --kafka-cluster kafka --kubeconfig <path-to-kubeconfig>  -f -<<EOF
kind: KafkaCluster
      mode: PASSTHROUGH
  readOnlyConfig: |
    - type: "plaintext"
      name: "external"
      externalStartingPort: 19090
      containerPort: 9094
Wait until Supertubes finishes the rolling upgrade on the managed Kafka cluster.
supertubes cluster get kafka

Register your schema

Create the required schema by installing the following ConfigMap:
kubectl create -n kafka -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: spring-boot-schema
  labels: kafka users-value
  schema.json: |-
      "namespace": "",
      "type": "record",
      "name": "User",
      "fields": [
          "name": "name",
          "type": "string",
          "": "String"
          "name": "age",
          "type": "int"

Run the Spring Boot application

We prepared a Spring Boot application which is basically a producer/consumer REST service for Kafka. It uses the Schema Registry to store its Avro schema. The source code of the application is available on Github. Install the Spring Boot application from a pre-built docker image. Create the pod using the following command:
kubectl create -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: kafka-springboot
  namespace: kafka
   app: spring-boot
  serviceAccountName: kafka-cluster
  - name: kafka-springboot
    image: "banzaiclouddev/springboot-kafka-avro:v1"
     - containerPort: 9080
       name: spring-boot
       protocol: TCP
Expose the spring boot application through a service:
kubectl create -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: kafka-springboot
  namespace: kafka
  - name: tcp-spring
    port: 9080
    protocol: TCP
    targetPort: 9080
    app: spring-boot
  type: ClusterIP
When the application is up and running, install a test environment:
kubectl create -n kafka -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: springboot-test
  serviceAccountName: kafka-cluster
  - name: kafka-test
    image: confluentinc/cp-schema-registry:5.5.0
    # Just spin & wait forever
    command: [ "/bin/bash", "-c", "--" ]
    args: [ "while true; do sleep 3000; done;" ]
Exec inside the container and install curl:
kubectl exec -it -n kafka springboot-test -c kafka-test -- bash
# Install command line tool curl
apt update && apt install curl -y
Produce some messages to the Spring Boot application using curl::
curl -X POST -d 'name=banzaicloud&age=2' "kafka-springboot.kafka.svc.cluster.local:9080/user/publish"
Read back the messages created by the Spring Boot application published in the previous step:
kafka-avro-console-consumer --bootstrap-server kafka-all-broker:29092 --topic users --from-beginning --property schema.registry.url=http://schema-registry-svc-kafka.kafka.svc.cluster.local:8081
Note: Using a legacy app which runs outside of Kubernetes? Don't worry, we got you covered. Check out this post on how to setup a KafkaUser that represents an external application such that it's authenticated over mTLS.


Supertubes makes using a Kafka client easy. We would like to emphasize that all of the clients are automatically behind mTLS and using Kafka ACLs. If you take a closer look at the client containers, you might notice that this happens without any cert generation or configuration, but through Supertubes' magic. Supertubes is built on a top on several Envoy proxies and sidecars managed by the lightweight Banzai Cloud Istio operator control plane.
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