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Published on 11/26/2017
Last updated on 06/18/2024

Introduction to Spark on Kubernetes


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Today we're starting a Spark on Kubernetes series to explain the motivation behind, technical details pertaining to, and overall advantages of a cloud native, micro service-oriented deployment. The series will help orient readers in the context of what Spark on Kubernetes is, what the available options are and involve a deep-dive into the technology to help readers understand how to operate, deploy and run workloads in a Spark on k8s cluster - culminating in our Pipeline Apache Spark Spotguide - to help you appreciate the ease and elegance of how we tackle these problems, while running diverse workloads. Spark is rapidly becoming the industry standard for data processing and streaming but, unluckily, it's been designed mostly with static/on-prem environments in mind. Significant progress has been made toward Spark becoming better in the cloud, however, it still treats virtual machines as physical ones. Resource managers (like YARN) were integrated with Spark but they were not really designed for a dynamic and fast moving cloud infrastructure. At the same time, Kubernetes quickly evolved to fill these gaps, and became the enterprise standard orchestration framework, designed primarily for use on the cloud. Please find below some features of k8s - this list is far from complete:
  • Orchestration of multiple container runtimes
  • Cloud independent
  • Support for dynamic clustering (from network, volumes, compute, etc)
  • Service upgrades and rollbacks
  • Well defined storage and network management
  • Effective resource isolation and management
  • Portability across multiple container runtimes and cloud providers (including federated)
  • Multiple and divers workloads, from batch to streaming and beyond
There are several approaches that allow you to wrap Spark in containers and benefit from their portability, repeatable deployments and reduced dev-ops load. However, none of these features make Spark a first class citizen in the container space. They all share one common problem - blowing up containers and diverging from container best practices (e.g. one process per container). Considering the benefits of the above in regards to a micro service oriented approach, it's not surprising that the community is set to solve these problems by starting this Spark issue and collaborating on this project. We have joined this community, as well, and are already contributing to help make Spark on Kubernetes a first class k8s citizen and a supported Spotguide on our PaaS, Pipeline. Among the direct benefits of this approach is a leaner deployment unit, with less resource consumption and faster reaction to changes in the underlying infrastructure. Currently, just by wrapping Spark in containers and scheduling with one of the available RMs causes subtle issues and bugs: resource managers know nothing about each other, they don't work together and each try to schedule based on different rules. When using a multi tenant and multi application cluster (very typical Pipeline or Kubernetes utilization), the problem is even larger, since both YARN and a standalone resource scaler will create workload islands. All of these issues are remedied by Spark on k8s, via specifying one generic k8s RM for all applications (aware of the overall cluster state and infrastructure), while Spark addresses the resource needs accessed by the k8s API through a plugin developed by the Spark-on-k8s project. One possible interaction between the Spark flow and the resources requested by Spark and provided by Kubernetes, looks like the following. They all run in their own individual containers and pods, and are scheduled by Kubernetes. The progress of this project and the community has been outstanding - new features and bug fixes are added at an extraordinary pace. At Banzai Cloud we try to add our own share of contributions, to help make Spark on k8s your best option when it comes to running workloads in the cloud. Help us and the community by contributing to any of the issues below.
The next post in the series will be a technical walkhtrough for using and (auto)scaling Spark on Kubernetes using the native k8s API developed by the Spark-on-k8s plugin.
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