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Last updated on 00/00/0000
Published on 00/00/0000
Last updated on 00/00/0000
6 min read
Last time we discussed how our Pipeline PaaS deploys and provisions an AWS EFS filesystem on Kubernetes and what the performance benefits are for Spark or TensorFlow. This post is gives:
jobs)Pipeline uses the kubeflow framework to deploy:
Note that Pipeline also has default Spotguides for Spark and Zeppelin to help support your datascience experience
is a popular open source software library for numerical computation using data flow graphs. A computational graph is a series of TensorFlow operations arranged into a graph of nodes, where the nodes in the graph represent mathematical operations, while the graph edges represent the multidimensional data arrays - tensors
- communicated between them. This flexible architecture allows for the deployment of computation to one or more CPUs or GPUs on a desktop, server, or mobile device using a single API. There are plenty of examples and scripts running TensorFlow workloads, most running on single
nodes/machines. In order to run your script on a cluster of TensorFlow servers
, you need to modify them, create the ClusterSpec
, and explicitly define tasks to run on different devices. A typical TensorFlow cluster consists of workers and parameter servers. Workers
run copies of their training, while parameter servers
(ps) maintain model parameters. You can find more info about these here: Distributed TensorFlow. Kubeflow is a handy way to deploy workers
and parameter servers
, allowing us to define TfJob
, which makes it easy to define TensorFlow specific deployments. We've selected an example walk-through for provisioning the Pipeline PaaS,
, a distributed training job from the well known Inception model, adapted to run on kubeflow. Inception
is a deep convolutional neural network architecture for state of the art classification and detection of images. Kubeflow passes TensorFlow cluster specs (workers and parameter servers) as a JSON in an environment variable called TF_CONFIG
. That's why we needed to modify the
script a bit. Ok, now let's take a look at how to get this started. First, you need to check out two projects on GitHub:
git clone
git clone
cd tensorflow-models
git checkout master-k8s
Spoiler alert 1: Pipeline automates all these and we've made their Helm chart deployments available. The purpose of this detailed walk-through is to understand what’s happening behind the scenes when you choose model training or serving with Pipeline
This is pretty much the same as described in the previous post about EFS on AWS. To recap:
For this example we've provisioned a two node cluster (m4.2xlarge) with EFS available as a PVC
with the name efs
You can either use our Docker image or build them yourself:
cd tensorflow-models/research
docker build -t banzaicloud/tensorflow-inception-example:v0.1 -f inception/k8s/docker/Dockerfile .
This image contains the bazel-bin
executable versions of the following scripts:
cd tensorflow-models/research/inception/k8s
kubectl apply -f prepare.yaml
Now we have to launch the download_and_preprocess_flowers
script, which downloads the data sets to our EFS volume, unpacks it and creates TfRecord
files suitable for training jobs. We used a flowers data set for the purposes of this demo, which is usually used to skip the training process and start from scratch. It’s much smaller than imagenet. To train on imagenet data, all you have to do is change the command in prepare.yaml to download_and_preprocess_imagenet
Deploy KubeFlow:
kubectl apply -f [directory_where_you_cloned_kubeflow]/components/ -R
$ kubectl get po
efs-provisioner-b8dcc9bd7-s6dt4 1/1 Running 0 5h
tf-job-operator-6f7ccdfd4d-mkk9l 1/1 Running 0 18m
As you can see, Kubeflow
deploys a tf-job-operator
which handles TensorFlow specific deployments like TfJob
. It's really very self-explanatory: you'll understand once you take a look at training.yaml
kind: "TfJob"
name: "inception-train-job"
- replicas: 4
tfReplicaType: WORKER
- image: banzaicloud/tensorflow-inception-example:v0.1
name: tensorflow
command: ["bazel-bin/inception/imagenet_distributed_train"]
args: ["--batch_size=32", "--num_gpus=0", "--data_dir=/efs/image-data", "--train_dir=/efs/train"]
- name: efs-pvc
mountPath: "/efs"
- name: efs-pvc
claimName: efs
restartPolicy: OnFailure
- replicas: 2
tfReplicaType: PS
logDir: /efs/train
serviceType: LoadBalancer
- name: efs-pvc
claimName: efs
- name: efs-pvc
mountPath: "/efs"
replicaName: WORKER
replicaIndex: 0
Ok, let's deploy the training job:
kubectl apply -f training.yaml
Check running pods on your k8s cluster:
$ kubectl get po
efs-provisioner-b8dcc9bd7-s6dt4 1/1 Running 0 5h
inception-train-job-ps-b91p-0-256s8 1/1 Running 0 1m
inception-train-job-ps-b91p-1-xwqsr 1/1 Running 0 1m
inception-train-job-tensorboard-b91p-5dfcc88c95-p5r97 1/1 Running 0 1m
inception-train-job-worker-b91p-0-hqbg9 1/1 Running 0 1m
inception-train-job-worker-b91p-1-mqp54 1/1 Running 0 1m
inception-train-job-worker-b91p-2-pmqxn 1/1 Running 0 1m
inception-train-job-worker-b91p-3-lpfls 1/1 Running 0 1m
tf-job-operator-6f7ccdfd4d-mkk9l 1/1 Running 0 18m
You may notice that there's a pod for Tensorboard
which is reachable from outside through a LoadBalancer. You can retrieve its address if you describe the service thusly:
$ kubectl describe svc inception-train-job-tensorboard-b91p
Name: inception-train-job-tensorboard-b91p
Namespace: default
Labels: app=tensorboard
Annotations: <none>
Selector: app=tensorboard,runtime_id=b91p,,tf_job_name=inception-train-job
Type: LoadBalancer
LoadBalancer Ingress:
Port: tb-port 80/TCP
TargetPort: 6006/TCP
NodePort: tb-port 32515/TCP
Session Affinity: None
External Traffic Policy: Cluster
Tensorboard can visualize your graph, making it easier to understand and debug. If you look at the logs carefully you'll notice that our example of a two nodes cluster executes learning steps quite slowly. That's mostly because we're using generic compute instances on AWS
, not GPU compute instances. Using generic compute instances instead of GPU ones doesn't makes sense except to illustrate the benefits and the ease of using GPU resources in Kubernetes
, which we will do in the next post in this series.
Spoiler alert 2: it’s considerably faster and uses the built-in GPU plugin/scheduling feature of k8s.
Overall, it’s relatively easy to start a training job on k8s once you have the proper definition yaml
files. But it's even easier to push your python scripts to a GitHub repository (like this Spark example) then leave the cluster provisioning (both cloud and k8s), build, deployment, monitoring, scaling and everything else to an automated CI/CD Pipeline.
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